
Waterproofing bridges for 30+ years. Roaron is the go to company for quality bridge deck waterproofing work.

  • Roaron Construction offers bridgedeck waterproofing services in 3 major categories of sheet membrane, hot rubber, and

  • Roaron Construction is a trusted installer of many membrane systems. The current common deck membrane systems include:

    — Tuff-Tac sheet membrane
    — Protectowrap M400
    — Stop-A-Drop
    — Bakor 790-11
    — Bakor 790-11 MTO
    — Ultraseal 3750 MTO
    — EPro
    — Matacryl

  • Roaron Construction helped develop the market of proper bridgedeck waterproofing through its manufacturing division of Infratech Polymers in the 1980's. We have the most experience and knowledge on bridge waterproofing in BC.

    We know that there is more to the system than just the membrane. We make it a point to work with General Contractors on deck preparation and paving procedures. Without proper QA/QC before and after the membrane, the job is vulnerable to failure. We make sure it is done right without leaks.

Professional Deck Protection

Protect your Investment

Get it done right the first time because mistakes involving multiple contractors and road closures are extremely costly. Roaron Construction is a multi-certified bridge deck waterproofing contractor. We have completed waterproofing on most major highways through B.C. and have traveled as far as Ontario to complete work.

Need advice on waterproofing? Give us a call. We work with General Contractors and Engineers to make sure the job is done right within reasonable product specification. 90% of all failures of a membrane system have to do with the deck preparation and paving process. Roaron will provide assistance and QA/QC on all items before and after the membrane is installed. We will monitor and advise paving companies to ensure proper procedures are followed and appropriate remedies are taken if needed.

Paving membranes are simple, the systems and designs are not. It is easy to make a small mistake that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Use Roaron Construction to eliminate that risk.


Structural Repair and Upgrades

Concrete Sealing

We also seal concrete surfaces using penetrating sealers such as silane / siloxanes.

Call for more information.

Crack and Joint Sealing

Pavement control joints and expansion joint sealing are common items. We can assist with this too.

Culvert and Wall Waterproofing

We have solutions to many problems that are often inappropriately specified and/or use incorrect product. Call Roaron to help.

Free Consultations

Send us a quick note if we are unavailable by phone. Please fill out all boxes.


Parkade Roofs

